Лицензирование назначение-частот и телеком услуг в Республике Казахстан — Казахстан
2010.12 Telecommunications services may only be rendered in Kazakhstan by a valid license holder authorized to provide the аккумуляторная services. In accordance with the Kazakhstan Communications Law, the MCI issues licenses to provide telecommunications services on the basis of an application form or, также , the results of a competitive tender.
The MCI may refuse to grant a telecommunications license in the event that (i) frequencies are not available or there is a lack of numbering capacity, (ii) the requested type of activity is subject to an auction, (iii) there is a risk to national security, or (iv) there are adverse health risks.
The MCI may suspend a license if there is found to be (i) use of radio frequencies without a permit, (ii) violations of the licensing terms that can result in material damage, (iii) improper use of frequencies and (iv) failure to provide services under the license for a period of one year. A telecommunications license may be revoked only by a court ruling in specific cases provided by law.
On January 11, 2007 all licenses, including licenses for telecommunication services, became termless (perpetual) in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan No.
214-III “On Licensing”.
The MCI, together with and subject to the approval of the Ministry of Defense, is responsible for allocating frequencies in Kazakhstan. Frequencies are allocated in accordance with a table establishing frequency allocations in the ranges of 3 kHz to 400 GHz for all types of radio-electronic equipment.
The Kazakhstan Communications Law also provides for a schedule of frequency band development and use to be approved by the MCI in accordance with ICR’s recommendations. Frequency allocations may be changed to accommodate the government’s administration, defense or national security. In such cases, the Kazakhstan Communications Law provides for reimbursement of damages to be paid to the operator.
The Kazakhstan Communications Law requires that telecommunications equipment and radio-electronic and high-frequency equipment must be certified. Telecommunications equipment falls into two groups with regards to certification: (i) equipment that requires certification in Kazakhstan and (ii) equipment that may be used subject to a declaration of compliance issued by the manufacturer.
In March 2010, the Kazakhstan government issued a resolution amending the qualifications for international telecommunications services licenses to require that the licensee maintain ownership rights over the telecommunication line infrastructure through which the licensee provides services.
These changes in the regulatory environment may have a material effect on the international telecommunications services market in Kazakhstan as there are currently a limited number of operators who own the infrastructure through which they provide services and the number of international telecommunications services operators is likely to be reduced overall. /Beeline. Источник
Регуляторы рынка телекоммуникаций в Республике Казахстан
Антимонопольное производство в Республике Казахстан
Промежутки тарификации в Республике Казахстан
Фонд универсальной услуги в Республике Казахстан
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